Army Public School, Ramgarh Cantt.


Army Public School, Ramgarh Cantt started with effect from 1st Oct 1991 under the aegis of the Army Welfare Educational Society. The school was recognised by C.B.S.E. in 1993, The aim of the School is to impart education in all fields. We aim to awaken the curiosity in the students, develop proper interest, attitude, values and make them good citizens.

  • Faculty Members
  • Adm. Team
  • Vacancies

From the Leader's Desk


Message from The Chairman

  • Brig Digvijay Singh, SM
  • Hon'ble Chairman

I have great pleasure in conveying my best wishes to Army Public School, Ramgarh Cantt, for releasing the Annual School e-magazine “The Dawn” which brings the students and teachers of various disciplines on a common platform to share and display their ideas and creative talents. I wish all the students who are involved in bringing out the magazine, great success and career ahead.


From the Principal's Desk

  • Principal

This year the direst environment around us completely changed the picture of Education. We believe that every adversity contains within it the seeds of opportunity and growth. We held the little fingers and guided them forward to not only kindle their minds and hearts to pierce the skies and build a solid character, but also to master the magic of technology.

Our Infrastructure

35 + Experienced Teachers
500 + Students
1000 + Awards
50 + Computers

Our Gallery

Physics Lab

Chemistry Lab

Computer Lab

Academic Block 'A'

Inter-house Basketball

Library & Herbal Garden

Physics Lab

Adm Block

Academic Block 'B' & 'C'

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